Read: Psalm 118:25-27 What does Hosanna mean? What does “save us” mean? Does it mean freedom from oppression or is it something more? Where does God’s salvation come from? Where does it lead to? If salvation is more than a temporary rescue from oppression in our culture, what exactly is it? How does one attain eternal life? Today thank God for rescuing you for eternity.
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READ: Philippians 3:9-11
What is true of Christ after His death and burial? Can we find His burial plot somewhere and discover His DNA there? Why or why not? If He is not in a grave, where is He? There is no greater exultation for a believer than to go to heaven. But according to vs. 10 what makes it even better for Christ? Won’t you spend time today bowing before your King and confessing Jesus Christ is Lord.
Read: Philippians 2:5-8
What was Christ’s attitude that we are supposed to emulate? Why did He not need to grasp out to be equal with God? We are not already God so it is different for us, but as believers do we need to fear humility, even to the point of dying? Why or why not? You probably will never have to choose life or death for your faith, but you can still daily make a choice to be a servant toward others in need. Who is it in your life that could use a helping hand of service from you today?
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