What selfish desire is still getting in your way? What area of your life have you not given over to God? If you know what it is today, what can you do to eliminate that selfish desire in the future? Why wouldn't you resist the devil forcefully by pursuing purity holistically, treating sin seriously, and following the Lord humbly in the face of your selfish desires if you have the power to eliminate that desire by simply submitting to God today?
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Do you have conflict in your life? How many conflicts in your life come from your own selfish desires? James, the brother of Jesus, said that we need to submit to God completely, yet we are masterful justifiers. So, where is the hope?
The hope is found in God's grace. Have you put your trust in God's grace found in Jesus? If not, what is holding you back? If you have, is there a selfish desire that you haven't fully turned over to Him? Begin to surrender it today.
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Will there ever be peace across the globe? Matthew 24:6 indicates that there will always be wars and rumors of wars. In Matthew 24, it speaks of persecution against the church. What Jesus says is an accurate predictor of the beginning of the end times. It should spur you on to being a witness of the gospel. As vs. 14 states: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
Even though there may not be a worldwide peace until Jesus returns to establish His millennial Kingdom, James 3:18 will become a reality. As people of peace share their faith, and those hearing their witness make peace with God, the lights of their good deeds will shine in an ever-widening harvest of righteousness.
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