The character of Messiah is refreshing. He treats us with respect. He loves us. He served us by being the sacrificial servant. He is concerned with our well-being and asked the Father to take away our sin, to keep us and give us joy. He acts on behalf of God the Father so that we can have a relationship with our heavenly Father. Praise God He has given us the Holy Spirit to teach, guide, and empower us to serve the Lord.
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Hebrews 2:11-2 says that God makes us holy and puts us in His family because of Jesus Christ and His work of the cross. You are His brother or sister. He has destroyed the power of sin and death. Thank God today for being your Savior, Lord, Brother, and Father-figure so that you can have a relationship with God in heaven.
The idea that a Son will be called everlasting Father can be confusing. But Jesus is the "author" or "father" of eternity. He created the universe. He is also the author and finisher of your faith. Thank God that He is our everlasting Father!
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