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GO- Digging Deeper: March 3, 2022

Read: Matthew 24:3-31; 24:36-44; Revelation 6:8-17; 8:7-13; 9:6; 18

What will the days leading up to Christ’s return look like? Compare what you are reading in Matthew to the news around the world today. What does that mean to how you need to live your life today? What does Matthew 24:8 suggest? Could we be at that stage of world history today? According to verse 14, when will the actual end come and the Great worldwide Tribulation begin? According to vs. 21-22, how will God show compassion on the world during this judgment? Today, should we try to figure out Christ’s return date? Why or why not? Rather than trying to set dates of His return, spend time asking God to help you share with others so they will be spared the wrath to come.

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